Monday, November 18, 2013

Take Home Prank of the Month: Selling a "Little Pot"

This blog isn't just about funny internet pranks. The main purpose of this blog is to give you, the folks at home, ideas you can use to come up with your own pranks.

There are 2 reasons I traverse the internet in hopes of finding hilarious prank videos.

1. I get bored doing my homework and am always looking for the best ways to procrastinate.
2. So that I can find pranks that I can do in real life with my friends.

This blog is for more than just admirers of pranks, but for those who have the desire and the courage to perform pranks themselves. 

All that being said, please enjoy the Take Home Prank of the Month. This prank completely meets the criteria for a "perfect doable prank", that I discussed about in my blog post, entitled: What Makes a Prank? (to check out this blog post, please follow t;his link:

This month's Take Home Prank is the "Selling a Little Pot" Prank. I got the idea for this prank watching the internet Prankster, Public Prank, do it in his videos.

I'll let him show you how it's done ...

Pot Prank Instructions
So, if you didn't see the video, the only things you need for this prank are a "little (kitchen) pot", and either a back pack or a coat that can conceal the pot. From there, you just have to go up and ask people if they wan to buy a "little pot", and then BOOM! Wait for there reaction. If they react adversely, play confused. If they tell you "I don't smoke", then say, "what does that have to do with it?", and after you lead them on, break out the pot!

I pulled this prank at a party last Saturday, and it was EPIC! So many different reactions, but everybody loved the punchline. It was easy and a lot of fun.

To see more of Public Prank's pranks, visit his youtube channel at this link here:

Don't forget to let me know what you thought of this prank idea, and if you have other ideas for pranks that would be fun or easy to do, please comment below with your ideas. If I think they are cool, I might feature them in the next Take Home Prank of the Month!

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