Friday, November 1, 2013

THE 11 BEST Ways to Procrastinate on Your Homework

The 11 Most Productive Things you can do when you don't want to be doing your homework!

1. Sleep - In all likelihood, you're probably not getting enough anyway. If you find yourself with writers block, or just REALLY NEEDING A BREAK, find a comfy couch either on campus, at your apartment, or at a friends place, set an alarm, and catch some Z's.

2. Cook - A couple weeks back, I spent the whole day in my apartment studying for a midterm. I was dying, until I took a couple hours out of my schedule to cook a delicious and healthy dinner. Best study break EVER! This can really help nourish your body and your mind, so that you can keep studying later ... or just fall into a food coma.

3. Take a Walk - Sometimes, when we have to much homework, it can become easy to neglect ourselves. It is good for us to be outdoors. WE ARE NOT VAMPIRES! We need sunlight, exercise, fresh air.

 If you need a break from your work, one of the best things you can do for yourself is take a walk. Not only is it healthy for you to get outdoors, it also gives you time to be introspective. A good walk can give you time to think and clear your head.

4. Call a Friend - This one has worked wonders for me. If you are having a hard time focusing on your work, it's likely that one of your friends is having a similar problem. Show them that you care and give them a call. If taking a walk isn't working for you, then try to calling up a friend and due some venting together. This is a great way to both clear your head and strengthen relationships.

5. Work Out - If you are going to take a break from studying, you might as well get in seriously good shape while your at it. You don't even have to go to the gym, or leave the comfort of your own home. Just do 10 -20 push ups or jumping jacks every time you take a break. If you just due a set few each break, it will make a big difference in the long run.

6. Watch a Movie - Sometimes, when I have to write a paper for school, I find myself lacking inspiration ... and what better way to get inspiration than watching a good movie. Try watching something you haven't seen before, because it will likely give you a fresh perspective on things. Either watch a movie you've been recommended, or just visit IMDB or Google search to look for a quality film.

7. Learn Something New - Have you always wanted to know how to sail a boat, program a computer, learn Kung Fu, or maybe just tie your shoes? There is always something we want to learn how to do, but have never tried to do before. Think about something you want to learn, and give it a "how to" search on Google, or find out where you can take some free or cheap lessons. This way, you are using your procrastination time to learn something, expand your knowledge, and further a goal of yours.

8. Watch the News - If you are going to take a break from your work anyway, you might as well use that time to stay informed. There is always a ton of important current events, that are likely effecting your life and the lives of others you know in ways you would not expect. If you don't have a TV, or a news channel, go to a news site and read an article that interests you. If that's to much work, just scroll through Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, or Tumblr, because there is likely someone that is reading and posting links to articles of interest. If you do this, you will still be up on what's going on in the world, and you will be able to engage in intelligent conversation with your peers. Soak up some knowledge! 

9. Write - This might actually just help you clear your head for a bit. It's a good alternative to calling a friend. Just pour your thoughts out onto paper. It may help you think more clearly.

10. Read - If you don't feel like reading about current events or the news, then look into reading up about other things you care about. Whatever your current obsession is (a new song, a new band, a good cause, a comic book), read up about it, and become an expert on it, so that you can speak with authority on your obsession. If you are not the best student, this is a good way to become knowledgeable in something you are good at, or at least something you care about.

11. Hang Out - If all else fails, take a break and go meet some friends. The best way to spend the time you would otherwise waste is to waste it with others. Don't let school keep you from fostering better friendships and relationships with the people in your life. Those people are probably just a little more important than your homework anyway.

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