Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Take Home Prank of the Week: Dollar on a String

I hope everyone had a happy Thanksgiving. I apologize for my Holiday hiatus, but I'm back with some great material for those of you who are looking for some winter time pranks!

This week's Take Home Prank, is based on a funny internet prank I found yesterday. In this prank, the pranksters attach a dollar to a long and thin string, and then proceed to bait people with this dollar in the mall. They call it "People Fishing", and it is hilarious!

So, why am I sharing this prank with you? And why do I think it qualifies as a perfect prank?

In my previous post, entitled "What Makes a Prank" (found here: http://prankinginspiration.blogspot.com/2013/11/what-makes-prank.html) I discuss the qualifications for a perfect prank.

This prank meets those qualifications because:

1. Anyone can do this prank.

2. It is not expensive to do.

3. It catches people in their most vulnerable position.

4. The people getting pranked walk right into the trap.

Besides these traditional qualifications, this prank is neither malicious, invasive, and it is pretty family friendly.

SO, if you would like to try this prank out for yourself, all you need is a dollar, some string, a whole puncher (or some way to make a hole in the dollar), and a crowd.

Please comment below and let me know what you thought of this prank? And if you have any pranks that you do that you would like to see posted here for others to take home, explain them in the description, or leave a link to the video in the comments!

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